Day 26 – Deploying contract to a test network

Note: I’m still following Grider’s course.

Today was pretty fun and exciting! I learned how to deploy a smart contract to a test network.

I got pretty excited when it happened.

Using a code editor (VS Code) and a terminal (Windows PowerShell), I created the deploy.js code (following the course). Then, I deployed the smart contract to an Ethereum test network (Sepolia network).

Here are the main things that were required:
> Requesting ‘Test Ethereum’ to be sent to ‘test wallet’ (a metamask wallet used exclusively for testing). 
> Writing the deloy.js code. This is the code that the terminal refers to that deploys the smart contract (inbox.sol) to the test blockchain (Sepolia network).
> Using the PowerShell deploy code: node deploy.js

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