So far five straight days of studying Solidity. Nice streak! I’ll pat myself on the back once I get to day 10 (if I remember). At any rate, today I had the urge to switch to a new course either on Udemy or somewhere else.
I’m not knocking the course, it’s just getting a tad bit frustrating to copy and paste the currently solidity code (i.e. smart contract) into Remix. And even though, I’ve been getting the code to successfully compile….along with getting the output, I wish he did a better job explaining what the code means.
So I made a discovery which was a Solidity tutorial site (
Great site so far!
My new plan – is to [1] continue with the Udemy Course while simultaneously [2] using as a supplement. Along with those two, I’ll [3] put a little more energy and breaking down the lines of code. I feel like today I made some progress in understanding the structure of the code…. so much so that I tested myself with writing from scratch in Remix (instead of copying and pasting the code into Remix, which is what I’ve been doing for the past couple of days.
Below is what I wrote from scratch and memory and then I graded myself to see how well I did.

Not too bad. I would give myself a C-.
(I resisted to urge to say C++, because I can be corny at times, but not that damn corny.)
At any rate, I feel good about the 3 parts to the new plan.
At this point, I’m currently on Module 35.