Day 28 – Mocha and React

Starting with modules 87 – 94. Then I Skipped to the Appendix to study React.js (Module 230 – 247)

On and Off from → Wed 1:10 PM – Thursday 2:10 AM

Today was great! Even though it rained all day, I never left the house and watched Grider’s Udemy videos all day.

Oh yeah. Maybe I should have mentioned this earlier, but I’m not affiliated with Grider. I don’t know him. I’m not endorsing his course. I don’t get paid if you buy it. For the most part, this blog is an actual journal blog for me (that I’m making ‘public’ for those who may find it helpful). To repeat, I created it as if I were logging what I learned on a given day, as well as (as of now) sharing my thoughts and documenting my progress.

I didn’t watch any TV except for a few YouTube videos and baseball (O’s beating the Yankees….which contributed to ‘day == great’).

I also have been taking brain supplements for the past three years. I’m personally curious as to how my brain would have responded to nonstop hours of coding videos in a parallel universe where I haven’t taken the brain pills, but I’ll never know.

As of today, I seem to get great mental clarity and focus from Huperzine A, Fish Oils, Ashwagandha, 5 HTP, Rhodiola Rosea, Ginseng, and NAD. 

With all that out of the way, the first portion of modules (87 – 94) focused on Mocha testing, which involves testing a portion of your Solidity code to make sure everything works as it should.

This is important because, in theory, your Solidity code could compile correctly; however, there could be transactional errors, such as the improper amount of Ether/Ethereum may not be paying out as it should.

If I’m being honest, the Mocha testing isn’t that fun. It wasn’t painful to study. It wasn’t like I was bored. I learned a lot today and took lots of notes. It’s just not that exciting.

The next set of modules was from the Appendix, which covered the basics of React.js. This was more exciting than I expected. I initially wanted to ‘get through it’ to return to learning Solidity, but as I dove into it, I enjoyed it. At first, I wouldn’t say I liked the idea of learning another language while not finishing the programming language I was currently studying, but it made sense to learn the basics of React. If it weren’t too late, I would keep going, but I felt myself getting tired. Ok… until next time.

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